Friday, December 11, 2009

Why People are Fighting for Telangana?....Watch this to know the facts!!

It's really a good film on Telangana. One should know the facts behind seperate telangana movement.



Thursday, December 10, 2009

Developer V/s Tester !!

Hilarious !!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Always Show Excitement When Interviewing!!

Some people tend to forget that when you are interviewing for a job, you are actually making a first impression that will last throughout your relationship with the interviewer. If you come across as a boring, uninterested individual, the people who are interviewing you will think that is the way you will act and perform on the job.

When interviewing, try to put yourself in the shoes of the interviewer and decide if you would be impressed. Also remember that these people are interviewing you in the hopes of you staying with the organization for a long time.

Conquer your bad habits
In an effort to conquer the bad habits that make you come across as a poor prospect, you need to psych yourself up for the interview. No matter what it takes, you need to be ready to talk with just about anybody about anything and be excited about it.

The first step to being prepared is to ensure that you are rested and ready to tackle any situations or questions. If you are tired or stressed out, you may not portray your best image to the interviewer.

The next step is to dress sharply. Make sure that you dress appropriately for the company where you are interviewing. If you look the part, you are half way there. Next, spend some time and rehearse answers to interview questions that always stump you. My favorites are about strengths and weaknesses. If these are your favorites, spend some time rehearsing how you will answer.

Finally, do some research on the company and prepare some intelligent questions for the interviewer. When an interviewer finishes asking you questions, you want to be ready with questions of your own. This entire preparation routine will allow you to be relaxed and ready throughout the interview.

The Interview

When you finally get to the interview, always arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes early. This promptness shows an excitement and eagerness to obtain the job as well as timeliness in reporting for assignments. If the interviewer is late, always be understanding and try to empathize with him/her. If an interviewer has a strange request (like let’s do this outside), always be accommodating. This will show the interviewer that you are flexible and able to adapt to changing situations.

Throughout the interview process, maintain an open and smiling face as well as an open posture (i.e. no arms crossed on chest, no avoiding eye contact). Always show that you are attentive and excited about the opportunity. Avoid drink offers because you open yourself up to chance spills and mishaps.

Finally, tailor your attitude to fit that of the interviewer. If the senior VP is stuffy with a coat and tie, then always say yes sir and thank you. If the interviewer is laid back, assume a more relaxed posture and try to meet them on their level. If you can read each person that is interviewing you and return to them the same level of courtesy, responsiveness and excitement you are more likely to be asked to return for a second interview.

Follow up professionally

When the interview is finally over, be sure to send thank you notes via email or mail. If you do not have contact info for each person, ask one person to pass your thanks along to others. Whether you feel you got the job or not, remain professional and express a positive, excited attitude about your prospects. If you receive a rejection notice, respond with thanks for their time and let them know that you would still be interested if they change their mind. Maintain a positive attitude.

If you do not hear from them for a while, check the paper or the job board and see if the position is still open. If it is, send your contact a quick, professional note saying that you are still available for the position and would love to come in and speak with someone.

Finally, whether you get the job or not, whether you bomb at the interview or not and whether you never hear from them again or you do, remain professional and excited about getting a new position and let that attitude display in your actions and words.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be Happy at Your Current Job to Get a New Job!!

Are you in a position where you hate your current job and all you ever do is complain about it? Does your attitude affect the way you dress and the way you perform your work? If this is you, get ready to make a change. If you want to get a new job, you are going to have to change your attitude about your existing job.

Start by being happy with what you do. Create a challenge for yourself to make your current job something you can be happy about. Change the way you dress. Change the way you work. Overall, change your attitude so your new attitude will reflect in your job search and in the interview process. You can always consider the alternative; you could be doing some type of manual labor or you could be laid off.

Once you begin your quest for happiness in your current situation and are successful in challenging yourself to change your attitude, start searching for that new job. If you have already been looking, renew your search with revived excitement and passion. Start behaving as if you are thoroughly happy with what you do and where you are and things will start to change.

Take the time to fill out applications thoroughly, explaining your duties as if they are the best thing in the world. Write comprehensive and engaging cover letters comparing what you do now with how well you will perform for a prospective employer. Finally, tailor your resume to fit the job you are applying for and make it appear that you enjoy what you are doing. Your positive outlook will reflect in all you do.

If you take the time to change your attitude to positive, things will change for the better. Begin by being positive at home, with your friends, with potential networking connections and during interviews for new positions. If you portray excitement and passion for everything you do, people will start calling you for interviews, you will make more friends and more contacts and people will want you to work for them. You may also reap the benefits at home with your spouse or significant other. Change your attitude enough so that people you know will start to notice and make comments.

Once you start living a more positive life, expressing happiness in all things you do, you are ready to get that new job. People will begin to notice that you enjoy working and they will be impressed with your attitude and consider you a good risk as a new employee. Having a good attitude and doing a good job will also make it easier for your coworkers and friends to give you a good reference. Finally, when you reinvigorate your work ethic, you will be rewarded at your current job with satisfaction and fellowship of your coworkers and you will also be rewarded with a new job in which your happiness and positive attitude can grow.

Your overall goal in changing your attitude should be to be happy in life and enjoy what you are doing no matter what it is. You can only hope that you will be able to deal with situations differently and people will see you in a different light. A wonderful by-product of this overall change in attitude is that people will respect you more for doing your best and achieving happiness in any situation. People will also be much more likely to want you on their team in the hopes that some of your happiness and positive attitude will rub off on them and make their life better. So, start today and change your attitude. It could change your life.\

Source: Fwd Mail


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Drink BEER .... It's healthy !!

Drink up your beer, it’s healthy! Yep, you read it correct....Beer drinking can be good for you as long as you don’t drink too much.

In moderation, beer has many health benefits:

1. Up to two beers a day for men (women should only have one), will help to reduce your risk of having strokes, and heart disease. Light drinking appears to reduce the risk by as much as 20% according to research in United States.
2. Beer can help to increase the level of HDL (beneficial cholesterol) in the body and decrease the likelihood of blood clots.
3. A couple of beers can raise the level of anti-oxidants in the blood stream. This enables the cells to carry more oxygen around the body. More oxygen helps better muscle activity among other things.
4. Beer contains vitamin B6 which is needed to make haemoglobin, the red coloring in blood. This carries oxygen around the body. It also helps maintain correct blood sugar levels.
5. It is fat free, aids restful sleep and promotes relaxation.
6. Beer contains vitamins B and B2 (as well as B6) and essential minerals like calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.
7. Dark beer is better for you than light. It contains more flavanoids which are natural oxidants that help to protect the body from disease.
8. For post menopausal women, beer may be a beneficial addition to the diet. Some hop flavanoids have properties like oestrogen and research suggests that this property may make it possible to produce a natural form of HRT to replace the current one.
9. Beer can help to reduce blood pressure and levels of insulin in the blood.
10. Beer drinking can also reduce the incidence of kidney stones. This may be due to the water, the hops, or the alcohol, but, whatever the reason, it seems to help.

Too much beer can make you fat, and cause a number of other health problems. Like all good things, beer should be consumed responsibly.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You Mr.JP !!

Thanks to Mr.JP for clarifying it to the public on what Nagarjuna really did...I believe in him(JP) as he has complete knowledge on what he speaks(and I guess most of us do)....Hope TDP will learn theirlesson and look for a different way to get votes!!

Watch his response below....



Good Source for Good Deals dis Holiday Season

I love shopping and of course, most of us do....So,as the holidays are fast approaching, I was browsing for some shopping deals and found this Very Good source and, as I always do, I wanted to share this with all ;) ....chalo then,what are you waiting for, fill up your cart :)

here you go ....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are Reality TV Shows Going Over Board.?

Who's fault is this? Is the media trying to monetize by showing us the darker side of celebrities? Is this governments fault by not censoring such kind of shows....or is it us? who still watch these shows what so ever as they are entertaining? This is a good topic for a debate ...So, watch this...

do watch all the parts of this debate....its not entertaining, but its informative :)



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Deals on Laptops with Windows 7 OS

There are some good deals @ CircuitCity.Com on Laptops with Windows 7 OS....

here is one link .... browse their website for more..

by the way, Window 7 is releasing on October 22, 2009 ....eagerly waiting for the full version release in to the market :)




This website has some great deals everyday(I guess, 1 deal per day.. per category) and this is a genuine one...this was sent by one of my blog readers, Vinu....Thanks for sharing the link Vinu...

here you go...



Thursday, October 15, 2009

Interview Tips....good one

Interviews can be very stressful, so the more prepared we are, the better. One way to prepare ourselves is to brainstorm ideas about questions we may get asked, so we’ll be ready when the time comes. But how do we know how to answer them? More than often, we get asked at least one question in an interview that seems to have little or nothing to do with the job. Believe it or not, there is a reason for every question they ask. Here are some tips to help you decode interview language and find out what they really want to know.

Interviewers ask various questions to find out what kind of person you are and how you might be as an employee. Here are some of the more popular interview questions and tips on how to answer them:

Q: “What is your greatest accomplishment in life so far?”

A: They’re not just trying to find out what kinds of things you’re good at. Interviewers ask questions like this because they’re trying to find out about your values. The way you answer this question reveals how you see the world. The things that are of value to you contribute to your overall personality, which has a lot to do with your work habits. For example, if the position requires the applicant to have more education than learned skills, you might answer by saying you’re most proud of your college or graduate level degree. This shows the interviewer that you have a solid understanding of what they’re looking for in an employee and you might be a good fit as well.

Q: “Why do you want to work for this company?”

A: Although this question seems fairly simple, a lot of people don’t seem to realize how important it is. Again, this relates to the “good fit” idea. The way you answer this question has a lot to do with how much chemistry you may or may not have with the company. Like any other relationship, it’s important to have good chemistry with the people you work with. While it’s not the same kind of chemistry you need in a personal relationship, it’s still important. They need to know if you have what it takes to join their team and if you’re willing to deliver. Instead of focusing on how good you would be at the job, focus on exactly how you will help them exceed their goals. Try to come up with unique ideas that make sense and will separate you from other candidates. Be creative and show them you’ve taken some time to really think about your answer.

Q: “So tell me about yourself...”

A: This question usually comes towards the middle of the interview or at the very beginning to help start things off. If it seems like a very straightforward question- it is. However, don’t make the mistake of thinking the interviewer wants to get to know you on a personal level. Interviewers ask this question in order to find out about your strengths and weaknesses and how they may affect your work performance. So instead of telling them what you like to do on weekends, you might want to say something like “I’m very sociable and I get along with all kinds of people.” An answer like that would show that you work well with others and you’re probably fairly easy to get along with.

Whatever you do- don’t stress too much about the actual questions. A lot of times, a first impression has more to do with the way you conduct yourself than the things you actually say. If you come in with pre-rehearsed answers and a script-like presentation, you probably won’t win them over. But if you are asked a question that you weren’t prepared for, but you handle it well, you are exhibiting both sincerity and “grace under pressure.” Now that you understand the meaning of these questions, you should be able to come up with some personalized answers. Keep in mind that they ask these questions to get an idea of who you are, not to put you on the spot. If you ever feel like you’re being asked an unfair or inappropriate question, you always have the option to leave the interview and turn down the job. But in most situations, the person is just trying to get to know you a little, so let them!

Source: Forward Mail



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nice Idea !!

Got this as a fwd from a frnd....found it interesting so posting it over here :) the way, this display was found in front of a restaurant in Goa



Saturday, October 10, 2009

SiNg a SoNg !!


This is a nice opportunity to show your talent in singing....I know,you might be thinking that we can just use youtube or other video sharing sites, but, I believe, this place has more chance for your video to get noticed....what say?

Inka enti thinkutunnaru....common....SiNg a SoNg and Upload !!

here is the link ....



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Swiss bank revealed India has more money than rest of the world !!

This is so shocking…. ….If black money deposits was an Olympics event….
India would have won a gold medal hands down. The second best Russia has
4 times lesser deposit. U.S. is not even there in the counting in top
five! India has more money in Swiss banks
than all the other countries combined!

Recently, due to international pressure, the Swiss government agreed to
disclose the names of the account holders only if the respective
governments formally asked for it.. Indian government is not asking for
the details….. marks for guessing why?

We need to start a movement to pressurize the government to do so! This
is perhaps the only way, and a golden opportunity, to expose the high
and mighty and weed out corruption!

Is India poor, who says? Ask the Swiss banks. With personal account
deposit bank of $1,500 billion in foreign reserve which have been
misappropriated, an amount 13 times larger than the country’s foreign
debt, one needs to rethink if India is a poor country?

DISHONEST INDUSTRIALISTS, scandalous politicians and corrupt IAS, IRS,
IPS officers have deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personal
accounts a sum of about $1500 billion, which have been misappropriated
by them. This amount is about 13 times larger
than the country’s foreign debt. With this amount 45 crore poor
people can get Rs 1,00,000 each.

This huge amount has been appropriated from the people of India by
exploiting and betraying them. Once this huge amount of black money and
property comes back to India , the entire foreign debt can be repaid in
24 hours. After paying the entire foreign debt,
we will have surplus amount, almost 12 times larger than the foreign
debt. If this surplus amount is invested in earning interest, the amount
of interest will be more than the annual budget of the Central
government. So even if all the taxes are abolished,
then also the Central government will be able to maintain the country
very comfortably.

Some 80,000 people travel to Switzerland every year, of whom 25,000
travel very frequently. ‘Obviously, these people won’t be tourists..
They must be travelling there for some other reason,’ believes an
official involved in tracking illegal money.. And, clearly,
he isn’t referring to the commerce ministry bureaucrats who’ve
been flitting in and out of Geneva ever since the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) negotiations went into a tailspin!

Just read the following details and note how these dishonest
industrialists, scandalous politicians, corrupt officers, cricketers,
film actors, illegal sex trade and protected wildlife operators, to name
just a few, sucked this country’s wealth and prosperity.
This may be the picture of deposits in Swiss banks only. What about
other international banks ?

Black money in Swiss banks — Swiss Banking Association report, 2006
details bank deposits in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of
following countries :







Now do the math’s - India with $1,456 billion or $1.4 trillion has
more money in Swiss banks than rest of the world combined. Public loot
since 1947:

Can we bring back our money ? It is one of the biggest loots witnessed
by mankind — the loot of the Aam Aadmi (common man) since 1947, by his
brethren occupying public office. It has been orchestrated by
politicians, bureaucrats and some businessmen.

The list is almost all-encompassing. No wonder, everyone in India loots
with impunity and without any fear. What is even more depressing in that
this ill-gotten wealth of ours has been stashed away abroad into secret
bank accounts located in some of the world’s
best known tax havens. And to that extent the Indian economy has been
stripped of its wealth. Ordinary Indians may not be exactly aware of how
such secret accounts operate and what are the rules and regulations that
go on to govern such tax havens. However,
one may well be aware of ‘Swiss bank accounts,’ the shorthand for
murky dealings, secrecy and of course pilferage from developing
countries into rich developed ones.

In fact, some finance experts and economists believe tax havens to be a
conspiracy of the western world against the poor countries. By allowing
the proliferation of tax havens in the twentieth century, the western
world explicitly encourages the movement of
scarce capital from the developing countries to the rich. In March
2005, the Tax Justice Network (TJN) published a research finding
demonstrating that $11.5 trillion of personal wealth was held offshore
by rich individuals across the globe.

The findings estimated that a large proportion of this wealth was
managed from some 70 tax havens. Further, augmenting these studies of
TJN, Raymond Baker — in his widely celebrated book titled
‘Capitalism’ s Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the
Free Market System’ — estimates that at least $5 trillion have
been shifted out of poorer countries to the West since the mid-1970.

It is further estimated by experts that one per cent of the world’s
population holds more than 57 per cent of total global wealth, routing
it invariably through these tax havens.

How much of this is from India is anybody’s guess ...????

By the way, Below is the picture of one of the storage rooms inside the SWISS Bank....


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Market forces in the Third World !!

I got this forwarded by one of my frnds and found it to be very funny....Just look at these pictures and :)



Nice deals this Festive Season

I generally sign up into many websites, so, I get all these offers.....From that list, I found this one, which I thought, will interest you guys and also might be helpful for some....

Deals on Calling Cards

->Reliance Global Call

--> AirtelCallHome

Plan Name : Diwali to Holi Offer
Mins : 1353
Plan Value $24.99
Validity 6 Months


Please Help....

Look at the picture of the little baby. Isn't he really cute? But his eyes are desperately looking at us seeking help. Balaraju, a 9 month old son of Ravinder, a daily wager of Nehrungar in the vicinity of Shapurnagar is born with Biliary Atresia (absence of transport system from Bile to the intestines). This requires Liver Transplantation as early as possible. The doctors who examined estimate the cost to be approx. Rs. 17 Lakhs. This news published in Eenadu Telugu daily was brought to our attention us by Sri Naveen Choudary, an active NATS member from Canada, who is contributing $2240.00 from his own pocket. NATS Helpline team is actively pursuing the matter with the doctors in India to expedite the required effort to see this little heart Balaraju comes out safely and bring light in their family. Any contribution to this cause is highly welcomed and as always NATS will match the funds received appropriately. All your donations are fully tax deductable as NATS is a 501 © organization. Please make your check payable to "North America Telugu Society, Inc." with "Help for Balaraju" in the memo and mail it to North America Telugu Society, P. O. Box 810096, Boca Raton, FL 33481-0096.

NATS Helpline Team
I got the above email from NATS( North America Telugu Society), So, I am sure this is a genuine request for help and so is the reason, I am posting it over here.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

mAsTh Deals @ .. Hurry Up!!


As you know CiruitCity has closed all its stores,but, is still continuing to do the Online Business.

So, as a part of that, they have some great deals now on Laptops, External HD's and many other, visit and buy the stuff you want for a good deal :)



Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Oracle Certification Exam Delivery Vendor - Pearson VUE

Beginning September 25, 2009, Oracle certification exams will be offered through a new test delivery vendor – Pearson VUE -- and will no longer be available through Prometric.

Pearson VUE currently offers certification testing in more than 4,500 test centers worldwide, and we believe it will provide excellent service and global testing coverage for Oracle certification exams.

After September 13, candidates will no longer be able to register with Prometric (although candidates may still take their exam at Prometric through September 25). Registrations for Oracle exams through Pearson VUE will begin on September 14, 2009. Candidates should visit to find more information, register for an exam or locate a testing center in their area. Existing Oracle exam vouchers will continue to be valid as long as they have not expired.

With the change from Prometric to Pearson VUE, we expect no disruption in availability of testing. However candidates should be aware of two system issues that may affect the shipment of your certificate and the timing of your certification. First, maintenance to Oracle's certification database during the transition period may delay the shipment of your printed certificate up to two or three weeks. Second, our Hands On Course Requirement forms system will be down for maintenance from September 14 – September 28, 2009 while a new streamlined system is brought online. During the downtime, Oracle will work diligently to clear and validate all submitted forms but no new submissions will be accepted. If you currently have an outstanding form that needs your attention, please respond to ocpreq_ww@oracle.comwith the requested information as soon as possible to avoid a delay in receiving your success kit. After September 28, 2009 a new tool, the Course Submission Form, will be live on the Pearson VUE website.

We have provided more information and a series of FAQs on the Oracle Certification Program website for common questions related to the vendor change. For additional questions or further assistance, please contact Oracle Certification at

We are excited about this transition, and are confident that this change will improve our service to you.

Copyright © 2009 Oracle University. All rights reserved.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

JOSH Movie and Chaitu's Performance - My TaKe !!

Guyzz, Here I come with "My Take" on JOSH movie and Chaitu's performance in that........I was eagerly waiting for this movie from the time, this movie was announced....just to watch Chaitu's performance on screen....below is "my take" on JOSH movie and especially Naga Chaitanya....believe me, I am very honest in this take !!

First of all, I want to talk regarding Chaitu's acting, than the movie, as, I(and many others) was/were more curious into that......Believe me, his acting was too good for a debut movie and all of them who watched the movie felt the same...ofcourse, there were some negative points also....below is the complete list of +'s and -'s

+ve's in Chai's acting:
1. Acting with tension shown before the camera
2. Uttering lengthy, what a job for a first timer! (there was a 3min dialogue in the hospital scene).
3. Fights....really fantastic

1. Dances were good, but, should improve a bit.
2. He looked bit shy in romantic scenes ;)....actually,there was only one romantic scene in the movie and he looked bit shy..this can be overlooked I guess for a first timer..

except for these two -ve's he was full of JOSH on screen.... I bet, a STAR has arrived to Telugu Cinema!!

Now, coming to the I just want to point out the highlights and negative points which came to my mind after I have watched the movie

1. As I said above, Chaitu's performance....
2. Dialogues in the movie....very thoughtfully written(It was by the director Vasu Varma himself)
3. Some scenes which elevated the movie(like the police station one, hospital scene, scenes with Prakash raj, Flash back entire episode and few others).
3. Story(By the director again)
5. Cinematography.
6. Music and Lyrics were a plus in my opinion esp for "Neetho unte" and "Bad Bad boy".

1. Screen play was not very effective for such a good story...Direction was good in parts though...
2. Editing was not crisp ( First time, I felt Marthand K Venkatesh did just a OK job).
3. Choreographyy was bad for first song(Bad Bad boy)...when they know that will the first song in the movie, I wonder why they choreographed it in such a manner...I expected a lot from the first song...but others are far better than the first one choreography wise..
4. Comedy was there, but was not much effective.....

Overall ga, from my point of view, its a decent movie....and a Excellent Debut for NagaChaitanya.



Friday, September 4, 2009

Microsoft Certifications at Discount Price !!

It's never been a more important time to take control of your destiny and chart your career path. To help you pursue a new career in IT, move from one job role to another, or help you become indispensable in your existing role, Microsoft wants to help advance your career by providing you discounts on select Microsoft Certification Exams. Microsoft Certifications are continually evaluated and updated to ensure their relevance in the marketplace. As a result, earning a certification not only helps you stay up-to-speed on the latest developments in Microsoft technologies and platforms, but enables you to demonstrate to employers your on-the-job skills.Learn More about Microsoft CertificationsGet Your Voucher Code for your Discounted ExamsRegister and obtain your discounted voucher code at Once you have obtained your code, plan and schedule your next exam by visiting

Offer Good until December 31, 2009 or while supplies last. Candidates must register, schedule and take their discounted exams by December 31, 2009




Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Non Immigrants(F1, H1 etc) can join US Army and get US Citizenship fast!!

Guys....this is really good news for all the non immigrants living in the US....Any of the following nonimmigrant categories E, F, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, Q, R, S, T, TC, TD, TN, U, or V ....can join the US Army after living 2 years in the country.

1.Expedited US Citizenship.(US Army will treat the joined people as special category and do a expedite process)
2.ofcourse ...job for 4 years(less pay though)

Bad(not very bad though):
1.Applicants must enlist atleast work 4 years of active duty.

Check out more details in the below the way, this is a great oppurtunity for college/university graduates...



Monday, August 17, 2009

Bhuvan: ISRO's answer to Google Earth ....

Yes, Indias got Talent :) ....We proved it again!! .....this time its related to technology.

ISRO has come up with a free web based image(3-D satellite) portal of the Earth....this is ISRO's answer to Google Earth and similar per their website, the image quality(as of now only India) is much better than Google is a brief comparision..

Bhuvan's edge over Google Earth

Google EarthBhuvan
Zoom levels up to 200 mtZoom levels up to 10 mt
Single layer informationMulti-layer information
Images upgraded every 4 yearsImages upgraded every year
No alternate viewing optionsOptions of viewing on different dates
Uses international satellitesUses Indian satellites

By the way, check out their website(see below for link) for more information.....Jai Hind



Coconut Water can prevent Swine FLu !!

Green Coconut Water can prevent Swine Flu

Young Green Coconut Water can prevent H1N1...pls take young green coconut water daily.
Former associate professor of ecology at University Malaya has authored several books on complementary therapy called, 'Ecological Healing System'.

Dr Palaniappan said his 33 years of research had shown that high acidity in the body resulted in loss of immunity, thus making people more susceptible to viral diseases like Influenza A (H1N1).

Hence, to prevent acidity, it was essential to consume alkaline food and drinks that could neutralize excess acid in the body.

Dr Palaniappan recommends coconut water, which is alkaline, and therefore could be used as a herbal medicine for the prevention of H1N1.

For example, he said, those who felt feverish and developed a burning sensation while attending to a call of nature because of extreme acidity, could neutralize it by //drinking coconut water, twice a day, for three days//.

He also recommended orange, lemon and pomelo which, despite containing citric acid, were very rich in potassium and therefore, would not disturb the body's immunity.

According to Dr Palaniappan, excessive physical activity like running a marathon should be avoided as it produced acid due to excessive metabolic activity.

Similarly, he said, keeping late nights without adequate sleep and working without proper rest could also increase the body's acidity which in turn, lowered immunity and made the body vulnerable to viral attacks.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kaminey(Hindi) Movie -My Take

There are good movies and bad movies....and many people write these "so called" reviews on those movies....So, I dont want to do the same again over here... ....but just want to present my views/thoughts ....may be its a movie, music album, politics or anything else.........

So, here goes my First Take on KAMINEY movie...... Start Camera.....ACTION !!

The movie starts slowly but creates curiosity with the interval bang. Second half of the movie...especially the Climax of the movie is superb....


1. Screenplay: Its a regular story, but, the way Vishal Bharadwaj handled the screenplay was too good.
2.MUSIC and BGM: Special mention on BGM....its of high grade and ofcourse the songs(they all look good on screen)
3. Not only Shahid and Priyanka...but, entire cast of the movie acted very naturally...

1. First half of the movie is bit slow....most of them may feel bored...actually many of my friends did not like the first half...but again, that was the way it should be for this kind of movie



Best Search Engines for books, papers, pdfs....

I know that on we can find any thing very easily.....but sometimes, we find that google is a not returning the right stuff which we are looking for and I experienced the same one time.........the story goes like fine day, I was searching for a particular book(pdf version) and could not find it on my suprise, I found it on a different search engine(see below for link) thought these search engines might help you when Google can't help you.....very rare though ;)

So, here are those links...



American Eagle - Clearance SALE !!

We all love shopping.....I do also.....just found this sale on AE website...I guess this is a online sale deal(not in store)....check the link below..


Happy 63rd Independence Day!!


Wish you all a Happy Independence Day !!

In the last 63 years, INDIA has acheived so many things and has shown what WE are to the whole world. Now, I hope, in this coming years too, our country will advance much more in every field and WE all will work together towards that ....




Friday, August 14, 2009

PeopleSoft Module Flows Explained

This is some good stuff collected on PeopleSoft Financials/SCM by one of my frnds....
Most of the PS Financials module flows are explained with flow diagrams and details. Find them attached.



WCF and WPF(dot net) concepts explained neatly

This is for the DOT NET people.......
Last week, I was talking to few frnds and found that these two topics (WCF - Windows Communication Foundation and WPF - Windows Presentation Foundation) are HOT right now in the .Net field/job market and did a small research on that. So, I found that these below articles were the best on those topics. So iT.



Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Surprise gift from a SpEcIaL person

When I was a Kiddo....people used to ask me, what do I like the most?....I used to say..."Watches"....I had a good collection of them also....but most them were local made(Koti/Abids ka maal..hehe) ...I always wanted to buy a nice watch for fulfill this, I used to go out to shop, at different outlets like Titan(India), Fossil,Nautica etc....and always ended up saying to my self.."not today, but, next time for sure ;)" ..actually, I did this last weekend also..hehe....observing all these things in my life being next to me always....she knew what makes me more happy this birthday....Yes, she gifted me what I was waiting to buy all these years....people who know me well might have guessed it already....Dat's right guyzz....My Lovely SiStEr gifted me a beautiful Watch by Nautica, for this birthday.... 

Thanks Chinni :) .... know what's next in my Wish List right chinni ;)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Hi frnz...
atlast I created my blog today :)  ....actually I was planning to create this one from very long now,you might have guessed it, how lazyyyyyy I am ;) .... but not any ON!! ...

To introduce myself.....This is Raghu, blogging from CA,USA. I am a Hyderabadi(India)....I love Music, Movies, Politics,Food and some other crazy stuff(you will get to know later..hehe)........I am sure I will blog in all my thoughts over here and keep you all guyz entertaining ;)......keep watching this space for more ....
